The Place of Cartoons in Value Education in the Digital Age: The Case of 'Rafadan Tayfa' Dijital Çağda Değer Eğitiminde Çizgi Filmlerin Yeri: ‘Rafadan Tayfa’ Örneği
The main subject of the study is the analysis of the content of the cartoon movie Rafadan Tayfa in terms of values education in the context of justice, truthfulness, tolerance, compassion, industriousness, patience, respect, helpfulness, empathy, and greetings. The study is based on the root values determined by the Ministry of National Education. Values are an essential element that affects first one's behavior and then society. Children learn these values in many different ways. Especially television, one of the digital age products, is a communication tool that plays a significant role in value transfer with the programs it contains. This study is essential in answering how value education can be given in the digital age, especially by using television as a tool. In addition, this study is critical in revealing how and to what extent the cartoons broadcasted on children's channels that children can easily access address values. Document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research techniques, was used in the study. In our study, we tried to examine the root values in the first ten episodes of the cartoon Rafadan Tayfa broadcast in Turkey. As a result of the research, it was determined that the values of benevolence with the children always helping each other and the elders of the neighborhood, compassion with the behavior of the neighborhood residents to the dog Yumağ and other animals, respect for nature with the tradition of planting trees, respect for elders with the events they experienced with Uncle Basri, love for the little ones with Uncle Basri's behavior towards children, and unity and solidarity with their help to Uncle Nuri, the grocer. Each episode of the cartoon about Turkish neighborhood culture examined a different value around a different event, and the values were tried to be transferred to children appropriately. In particular, values such as benevolence, generosity, unity, respect for elders, and protection of the little ones were emphasized. It has been revealed that the cartoon is a good example of permanent teaching in the digital age in line with the principle of vitality. In our opinion, the cartoon, the subject of our research, has successfully transferred values and has been able to transfer the targeted gains to children appropriately. Our study has revealed that value education in the digital age can be realized through many different channels and other methods. The important thing is to catch up with the age, to be aware of the characteristics of children, and to provide technical competence.
Teknolojik gelişmelerin ve değişen dünyanın etkisi ile genelde insanların, özelde ise çocukların ilgi, alaka gösterdiği mecralar, olaylar ve durumlar değişmektedir. Geçmişte bir çocuğun ilgisini çeken oyun, çamurdan pasta yapmak iken şimdi arttırılmış gerçeklik teknolojileri ile o pastanın içerisindeki karbonhidrat molekülleri arasında seyahat etmek ilgi çekici hale gelmiştir. Bu açıdan baktığımızda, değişen ve gelişen dünyanın içerisinde doğan yeni nesil çocuklar bir önceki nesle göre daha farklı bakış açılarına ve ihtiyaçlara sahiptirler. Bu durumu görmezden gelen, ayak uyduramayan sistemler ise işlemez hale gelmeye ve kaybolmaya mahkumdur. Çalışmamızda yaşamış olduğumuz çağda çocukların dikkatini çeken eğlence ve aynı zamanda eğitim araçlarından biri olan çizgi filmleri incelemeye çalışacağız. TRT Çocuk kanalında 2014 yılında yayın hayatına başlayan ve üç farklı proje şeklinde devam eden “Rafadan Tayfa” çizgi filmindeki değerlerin incelenmesi çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır.
Religious Education, Value Education, Digital Age, Cartoons, Place of Cartoons in Value Education, Rafadan Tayfa
Din Eğitimi, Değer Eğitimi, Dijital Çağ, Çizgi Film, Değer Eğitiminde Çizgi Filmlerin Yeri, Rafadan Tayfa
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