e-ISSN: 2980-3543
Founded: 2021
Period: Annually
Publisher: Oku Okut Yayınları

The 2nd Turkey Social Sciences Symposium (2022)

The 2nd Turkey Social Sciences Symposium was held online on 27-31 August 2022 in cooperation with Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University and Oku Okut Association. The Symposium received 264 paper submissions. After the pre-review, these papers were reviewed by two reviewers from the related field of science. As a result of the peer review, 92 of the applications were accepted. The symposium lasted five days, and scholars from 50 different universities and institutions attended. The Symposium's opening session focused on “The Present and Future of Social Sciences”. Answers were sought to the questions of what the disciplines of philosophy, sociology, history, law, and theology have said to the present and what they can say to the future by scholars in these fields. Presentations about more effective academic research and writing in the social sciences took place in the second session. After the opening sessions held a total 31 sessions. In these sessions, presentations were made in the fields of philosophy, sociology, theology, Turkish language, Arabic language, art history, music, political science, and international relations. The 2nd Turkish Symposium of Social Sciences: The Book of Abstracts contains Turkish and English abstracts of the papers presented at this Symposium. The full texts of some of the presented papers were published in the September 2022 issue as an article in the Journal of Tetkik: Turkish-Islamic Culture. Video recordings of the entire Symposium were made available on the symposium website. The branches of science within the scope of social sciences are disciplines that focus on understanding and gain more importance today, where the value of "data" is increasing daily. In these branches of science, data evaluation becomes a skill over time with the transfer of experience. In this context, it is crucial to meet students who continue their postgraduate education with experts in a scientific event to provide an opportunity to transfer knowledge. The Social Sciences Symposium of Turkey was organized to bring together professionals and postgraduate students, enabling the transfer of experience, strengthening interdisciplinary communication and studies, and contributing to academic production, and the desired results were achieved.


The 2nd Turkish Symposium of Social Sciences: The Books of Abstracts