e-ISSN: 2980-3543
Founded: 2021
Period: Annually
Publisher: Oku Okut Yayınları

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

Graduate students and anyone who has completed their graduate education can apply.

Is it possible to participate with more than one paper?

No, only one paper application is accepted.

What should we do to participate as a listener?

Turkey Social Sciences Symposium is held online. Anyone who wishes can follow the symposium on Okut TV as a listener.

What criteria (shape features, etc.) will the papers to be presented be?

On the "Preparation of Papers" page of the website, the features to be considered in the preparation of the paper are specified.

Is participation in the symposium paid and what kind of opportunities are provided to the participants?

Participation in the symposium is free.

Is it possible to send papers to the symposium in foreign languages?

The language of the papers accepted for the symposium and the paper presentations should be only in Turkish.

How many authors can be in a paper?

The number of authors in the paper is limited to a maximum of 2 authors. The first author is expected to present the paper.

Will the abstracts and full texts of the symposium be published?

The abstracts of accepted papers will be presented to the readers in e-book format by Oku Okut Publications. Presentation videos will be made available on the symposium website and Okut TV. Full texts, accepted to be included in the evaluation process in Tetkik: Journal of Turkish-Islamic Culture (ISSN: 2822-3322), will be published in September 2022 as an article.