e-ISSN: 2980-3543
Founded: 2021
Period: Annually
Publisher: Oku Okut Yayınları

No. 2 (2022): TSBS Proceedings Journal

Published 2023-01-10
The 2nd Turkey Social Sciences Symposium will be held online on 27-31 August 2022 in cooperation with Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University and Okut Association. The Social Sciences Symposium of Turkey is organized to bring together professionals and graduate students in the field of Social Sciences to enable the transfer of experience, strengthen interdisciplinary communication and studies, and contribute to academic production. As of 27 July 2022, 264 paper applications have been received by the 2nd Turkish Social Sciences Symposium Scientific Committee. After the preliminary examination of the Scientific Committee, the papers were submitted to the review of 2 referees who are experts in their respective fields of science. As a result of the examination, 92 of the applications were accepted, and 172 of them were rejected because they were out of scope or the content was not prepared in accordance with the principles of symposium paper writing. 

Social Sciences

What does philosophy as a social science discipline/research program say today?

Celal Türer (Author)

What is the Role of Theology at Present as a Discipline of Social Science?

Şaban Ali Düzgün (Author)

What is the Role of Sociology at Present as a Discipline of Social Science?

Özcan Güngör (Author)

What does law as a discipline tell us today?

Emir Kaya (Author)

What Does History Tell the Future?

Ömer Soner Hunkan (Author)

Academic Research and Writing

TUBITAK's Project Funding in Social Sciences and Humanities

Rümeysa Uzun (Author)

Translation-Friendly Academic Writing in Social Sciences: Practical Strategies

Arif Bakla (Author)

A Standardization Effort in Academic Writing in Social Sciences: ISNAD Citation Style - Türkiye

Abdullah Demir (Author)

African Studies

Unuttuğumuz Coğrafya Afrika'nın Yeniden İhyasında Türkiye'nin Cezbeden Varlığı

Ahmet Kavas (Author)

The First Active-duty Diplomat of the Ottoman Empire in South Africa: Ohannes Majakyan Bey (1867-1941)

Dr. Halim Gencoglu (Author)

The Activities of the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Africa

Mahmut Özdemir (Author)

Social Issues in the Poems of Twentieth-Century West African Writers

Mohamadou Aboubacar Maiga (Author)

Library & Information Sciences

Data and Its Future As A New Source of Asset

Murat Çelik (Author)

Librarianship in Turkey: The Case of the Presidential National Library

Ayhan Tuğlu (Author)

Specialized Librarianship and Databases Services in Turkey: The Example of ISAM Library

Mustafa Birol Ulker (ISAM - Library and Documentation Manager) (Author)

Archive Services in the Public and the Case of Archive Service of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Mehmet Toprak (Author)

Directorate of State Archives: Principles and Circumstances of Research

Vahap Sayın (Author)

The Archives of the General Directorate of Foundations

Rıdvan Enes Akçatepe (Author)

Political Science - International Relations

The Last Genocide of the Modern Age: East Turkestan

Büşra Güner (Author)

The Humanity Crisis Caused by Colonial Administrations in Rwanda

Kadir Özköse (Author)

Critical Discourse Analysis Studies in Turkey: Opportunities, Principles and Limitations

Begüm BURAK (Author)

The Presidency For Turks Abroad And Related Communities (YTB) as a Soft Power Element: Senior Bureaucrats Graduated from Türkiye

Seçim Korkmaz (Author)

Çelebi Project: Foreign Language Learning Support Program in German, Chinese, Persian, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian

Mehmet Yolcu (Author)

A Socio-Political Success Story Involving Social Democracy: The Case of Sweden

Dr. Gökhan Ak (Author)

The Concept of Democracy in the Policies and Discourses of the Republican People's Party (RPP) in the 1946 Elections

İbrahim Çevik (Author)

Art - Music

The Concept of Muzır Music in Ottoman Archive Documents

İrfan Yiğit (Author)

Orientalism Studies in Turkish Art History from the 20th Century to the Present

Zeki Coşkun (Author)

Representation of Eternity in Ephemera: Cemeteries and Tombs in Ottoman Period Postcards

Mustafa Sürün (Author)

Arabic Language and Literature

The Importance of Voices in Teaching Arabic Dialects

Mehmet Şayır (Author)

Comparison of Iʿrāb Ḥarakas in Arabic and Turkish Case Suffixes: Similarities and Differences

Münevver Bayram (Author)

The Phenomenon of Similarity in the Examples in Contemporary Rhetoric Books Regarding Jawāhir al-Balāgha Book in the Context of Ma‘ānī Science

Ahmet Gezek (Author)

An Analysis of Zamakhsharī's al-Mufrad wa-ʼal-muʼallaf fī ʼal-naḥw in terms of Arabic Grammar

Merve Nur Gündüz (Author)

Barda‘ī and the Commentary Method He Followed in His Work ‘Sa‘dullāh al-Saghīr’

Merve Küçükzoroğlu (Author)

Religious Studies, Religious Education

Postgraduate Study Abroad on Theology: The Case of USA and UK

Emrah Kaya (Author)

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies Abroad in Theology: The Case of Germany

Fatma Bayraktar Karahan (Author)

Theological Education in Azerbaijan

Behram Hasanov (Author)

Religious Studies, History of Religions

Huldrych Zwingli's Disagreements with Martin Luther and His Theology

Yakup Piri (Author)

Salvation in the Christian Tradition Axis of Jesus Christ and Paul

Serkan Sayar (Author)

A Study of Humanistic Judaism

Humeyra Cakar (Master's student) (Author)

Philosophy, Logic

The Justification of David Hume's Notion About The Relationship Between Thought and Emotion in Human Nature

Emrullah Kilic (Author)

The Place and Examination of Middle Knowledge Theory in the Foreknowledge of God

İbrahim Halil Dündar (Author)

Comparison of the Metaverse and the ‘Ālam al-mithāl (Realm of images) from the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy

Elif Yüksel (Author)

Causality and the Secrets of Extraordinary Events in the Philosophy of Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)

Sümeyye Bayır Taşdemir (Author)

Religious Studies, Islamic Law

History and Current Situation of Halal Certification Studies in Turkey

Mustafa Bülbül (Author)

Moral Norms in the Islamic Law of War

Zelihanur Kayahan (Author)

Muḥammad b. Faḍl al-Kamārī and Its Place in the Hanafi Tradition of Bukhara

Adnan Hoyladı (Author)

Muḥammad al-Amīn al-Hararī’s Approach on Interest (Ribā) in His Tafsīr Work Ḥadāʾiq al-Rawḥ wa al-Rayḥā

Servet Demirbaş (Author)

Applications of the Slave-woman (Jāriya) Marriage in Pre-Islamic Arab Society and Analysis of Legal Arrangements Brought by Islam

Gülistan Özdeş (Author)

An Analysis on the Ḥanafī Ijmāʻ Theory Through the Examples of al-Bazdawī and al-Samarqandī

Tuğba Gül (Author)

Analysis and evaluation of narrations regarding the foods that should not be eaten while going to the Mosque in terms of ‘ilm al-Hadith

Halil İbrahim Doğan (Author)

Religious Studies, Islamic History

The Sources of Delhi Turkish Sultanate in Indic Languages: Ṭhakkura Pherū and Works

Yasin Tekin (Ph.D. Candidate) (Author)

Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsā Under the Rule of Turkish Dynasties Tulunids and Ihshidies

Adnan Kara (Author)

The Role of Awariz Waqfs in the Conduct of Public Services in the Ottoman State Period

Cengiz Sarı (Author)

A Review on Sīrah and Maghāzī Books Mentioned in Kashf al-ẓunūn

Merve Benzer (Author)

The Relationship Between The Power and The Scholars in The Abbasid: The Example of Abū Al-Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzī

Muhammet Kalkan (Author)

State Regulations for the Protection of Animal Health and Rights In Islamic History: The Case of Umayyad and Abbasid Periods

Tuğba Velioğlu (Author)

Aḥmad Javdat Pasha’s Qīṣaṣ al-Anbiyāʾ and Tavārikhi Khulafāʾ Specifically An Evaluation on the Approach of History of Islam

Büşra Nur Bayar (Author)

Religious Studies, Islamic Theology, Islamic Sects

Scientific Structure of Kalām Discipline on the Axis of Larry Laudan’s Methodology of Research Traditions Theory

Bilal Taşkın (Author)

Establishing the Necessity of Prophethood in Islamic Theology

Ismail Bulut (Author)

Examining Answers That Imam Māturīdī Gave to Prophethood Deniers in Specific to Kitāb al-Tawḥīd

Onur Aksan (Author)

An Evaluation of the Studies on Imām Māturīdī 's Views of Existence

Hümeyra Sevgülü Haciibrahimoğlu (Author)

Different Approaches of Maturidi and Nasafi on the Hereafter

Aydın Çamlıca (Author)

The Post-Ghazālī Criticism of Philosophy: The Case of Shihāb al-Dīn Umar al-Suhrawardī

Mahmut Yusuf Mahitapoglu (Ph.D. Student) (Author)

The Differentiation of Mu‘tazilite Kalām Thought in the Context of the Conception of Qādī Abd al-Jabbār’s Faith

Samet Karahüseyin (Author)

Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi's Criticisms Against Materialism's Conception of Religion and God

Furkan Uçar (Author)

Basing Religion on a Pragmatic Approach in William James

Humeyra Ahsen Dogan, Behlul Tokur (Author)


Comparison of Religion-Referenced Movements in Socio-Political Context: The Example of Evangelism and Gulenism (FETO)

Dr. Muhammed Yamac (Author)

Evaluation of Disability Perspective in the Context of Turkish Television Series Broadcast After 2010

Emine Karakurt (Author)

Sociology of Max Weber: Discussions on the Method of Understanding

Assoc Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ozalp (Author)

Evaluation of Peacebuilding Studies from the Perspective of Sociology of Religion

Mehmet Emin Sarıkaya (Author)

Construction of the Virtuous Individual and Altruism: A Psychological Evaluation

Dr. Suleyman Doganay (Author)

Communication Problems of Secondary School Teachers with Migrant and Asylum Seeker Students: The Case of Ankara Keçiören

Zeynep Coşkun (Author)

Religious Studies, Sufism

Color Symbolism in ‘Alawī-Bektashī Manāqibnāmes

Sümeyye Yurduseven (Author)

The Depiction of the Perfect Human in Turkish Futuwwa Treatises

Hatice Pehlivanlı (Author)

Türkçe An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Ibn al-ʿArabīin 21 Theses Writtenbetween 1985 and 2022

Hamza Köşker (Author)

A Comparative Analysis of Ṣūfī Interpretations in al-Tustarī's Tafsīr with the tafsīrs of Baqlī and Bursawī

Dr. Eyup Ince (Author)

Transfer of Practical Knowledge and Experience for Postgraduate Sufi Studies

Ömer Yılmaz (Author)

Religious Studies, Tafsīr - Qirāʾah

Kaum Muda as a Reformist Movement in the Malay World: The Case of Indonesia and Malaysia

Eyyüp Tuncer (Author)

Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker's Reading Philosophy and Methodology for Revival of Tradition

İsmail Araz (Author)

Analysis of Sajdah Verses in the Context of Qirāʼāt

Mehmet Ustaosmanoğlu (Author)

The Effect of Qirāʼāt on Interpretation in Baydāwī’s Anwār al-tanzīl: An Example Between al-Ḍuḥā and al-Nās Sūrats

Muhammed Yusuf Demir (Author)

A Critical Examination of the Perception of Abrogation in the Tafsīr Tradition: The Example of Muallafa al-Qulūb

Ünal Kıyar (Master Student) (Author)

Who is meant by the Divine ‘O mankind!’ and ‘O you who believe!’ calls? A Study in the Scope of Muqātil b. Sulaymān’s Tafsīr

Mehmet Aydemir (Author)

A Study on Muḥammad Hādī Maʿrifat’s Modern Shīʿa Tafsīr History Book al-Tafsīr wa-l-Mufassirūn

Musa Öztürk (Author)

One of the Intellectuals of the Republican Era Haydar Hatipoğlu and His Scientific Personality

Muhammed Sait Hatipoğlu (Author)

Qurtubī’s Morphological Based Interpretation

İsmail Erken (Author)

Turkish Language and Literature

Turkish Language Teaching and Acquisition of Reading Culture in Our Schools

Celal Demir (Author)

Activities of the Turkish Language Institution

Hatice Malkoç (Author)

On Morphosemantics of Nominal Derivational Morphemes in the Dependency Category in Contemporary Turkish

Sabire Ceren Demir (Author)

Examining the Tatar and Bashkir Turkish Equivalents of Color Names in Gokturk Letter Inscriptions in Terms of Language and Meaning Features

Saadet Keser (Author)

Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Teaching Turkish to Foreigners: Systematic literature review

Naciye Başpınar Yörük (Author)

An Innovative Essay in Narratology: The 'We' Narrator in Ahmet Mithat Efendi's Novels

Zeynep Taşçı (Author)

Issues of Teaching Azerbaijan Literature in the Creation of Isa Habibbeyli

Nazile Abdullazade (Author)