Oku Okut Press
ROR ID: ror.org/03zs8ga83
ISNI: isni.org/isni/0000000506276072
Crossref: crossref.org/members/prep/34564
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Country: Türkiye
Postal Code: 06300
The Primary Contact at the Publisher
Hümeyra Sevgülü Haciibrahimoğlu
Email: humeyrasevgulu@okuokut.org
Phone Number: 0 312 906 15 99
Address: Şenyuva Mah. Seyhan Cad. No. 11-c/17
City: Ankara
Country: Türkiye
Editorial Principles
Okut Okut Press embraces open access, non-commercial, scientific publishing. We share studies with our readers free of charge in e-book formats when they are considered appropriate for publication upon review processes and the decision of the editorial board.
Okut Okut Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever-expanding scientific knowledge by publishing high-quality open access books, in compliance with international publishing standards and ethical principles.
Okut Okut Press uses the ISNAD Citation System as its academic writing and referencing style.
Each publication includes a 500-word Turkish and English abstract, and a unique DOI number is assigned to it.
See. https://yayin.okuokut.org/index.php/okuokut/yayinilkeleri
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See. https://yayin.okuokut.org/index.php/okuokut/yayinetigi
Open Access Policy
Okut Okut Press was founded on February 5, 2021 by Oku Okut Association to publish original research, compilations, and translated works in the field of humanities and social sciences.
Okut Okut Press embraces open access, non-commercial, scientific publishing. We share studies with our readers free of charge in e-book formats when they are considered appropriate for publication upon review processes and the decision of the editorial board.
Okut Okut Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever-expanding scientific knowledge by publishing high-quality open access books, in compliance with international publishing standards and ethical principles.
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