e-ISSN: 2980-3543
Founded: 2021
Period: Annually
Publisher: AYBÜ & Oku Okut Derneği

Conference Paper

What is a conference paper?

If you’re a PhD student, you’ll want to attend conferences as often as possible. You’ll have numerous opportunities to network with researchers in your field, and get feedback on your work. Getting your work published in conference details and proceedings is another advantage.

So, what is a conference paper anyway, and how does it differ from a paper submitted to a research journal? Essentially, a conference paper is shorter and more concise, and often limited in how long they can be. If there is a revision process for a conference paper, it’s usually relatively brief, and the approval process for a conference paper is also shorter than a journal manuscript submission. Often, you can review prior proposals to get a good idea on what a successful conference paper proposal example looks like.