e-ISSN: 2980-3543
Founded: 2021
Period: Annually
Publisher: AYBÜ & Oku Okut Derneği

Publication Policy

Scholarly Content

All manuscripts published in the TSBS Proceedings Journal, except editorials, are subject to a double blind peer review process.


Aims and Scope

The aim of the TSBS Proceedings Journal is to contribute to the sharing of knowledge produced in the field of social sciences by national and international researchers participating in the symposium by publishing the papers presented at the Turkish Social Sciences Symposium organized in cooperation with Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University and Read and Read Association.


Subject Area

  • Social Sciences: Cultural Studies (Turkish-Islamic Culture Studies)
  • Humanities:

          History (Turkish-Islamic History)

          Literature (Turkish-Islamic Literature)

          Philosophy (Turkish-Islamic Philosophy)

          Music (Turkish-Islamic Music)

          Religion (Islamic Studies)


LC Classification

H1-99 Social Sciences (General)



The Language(s) that the full text is published in:

  • Primarily Language: Turkish
  • Secondary Language: English

The Following are in English (and in Roman Script)

  • Article titles: Turkish & English
  • Author names: Turkish & İngilizce
  • Author address: Turkish (in Roman Script)
  • Keywords: Turkish & English
  • References: Turkish / Turkish (in Roman Script)


Manuscripts Submissions

First of all, an application should be made to the Turkish Social Sciences Symposium organized every year in August. Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation at the symposium. Each paper is reviewed by at least two experts for scientific competence. The papers accepted to the symposium at the end of the scientific review process are published in the TSBS Proceedings Journal.



The academic level of the published papers is appropriate for academicians, researchers, graduate students, and related academic institutions and organizations.


Article Processing Charge

The publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes are not subject to any fee. No processing or submission fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. The TSBS Proceedings Journal. also does not accept sponsorship and advertisements in accordance with its publication policies. All expenses of the journal are covered by Oku Okut Publications.


Originality of Manuscripts

The TSBS Proceedings Journal does not want to publish material that has already appeared in full elsewhere. But we sometimes accept articles that have already appeared in foreign language journals.


Model of Peer Review

Double-blind peer review: After plagiarism control, eligible articles are evaluated by the editor-in-chief for originality, methodology, importance of the subject covered, and compatibility with the scope of the journal. The editor ensures that the manuscripts go through a fair double-blind review and, if the article conforms to the formal principles, it submits the incoming article for the evaluation of at least two referees from the country and/or abroad. Editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. Days between submission & last decision: Average 40 Days / 5 Weeks


The Best Practice of COPE

Oku Okut Press is committed to the highest standards in publishing ethics. The TSBS Proceedings Journal accepts the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).[1]


Check for Plagiarism

The TSBS Proceedings Journal routinely screens article submissions for Plagiarism. The studies submitted for review are checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin software. The similarity rate is expected to be less than 15%. The main measure of similarity is that the author complies with the citation and citation rules. Even though the similarity rate is 1%, if the citation and citation are not duly made, plagiarism may still be in question. In this respect, citation and citation rules should be known and carefully applied by the author: www.isnadsistemi.org

All submitted manuscripts to the journal are scanned for similarity via Turnitin to prevent plagiarism. Plagiarism, duplication, false authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, slicing, copyright infringement and concealment of conflict of interest are considered unethical behaviors. All articles that do not comply with accepted ethical standards are removed from the publication. This includes articles with possible irregularities and inconsistencies detected after publication.


Education on Publishing Ethics Standards

Oku Okut Press provides extensive education on publishing ethics standards, particularly for early career researchers via Oku Okut Academy[2].


Correction, Retraction, Expression of Concern

The editor should consider publishing correction if minor errors that do not effect the results, interpretations, and conclusions of the published paper are detected. The editor should consider retraction if major errors and/or misconduction that invalidate results and conclusions are detected.

The editor should consider issuing an expression of concern if there is evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors; there is evidence that the findings are not reliable and institutions of the authors do not investigate the case or the possible investigation seems to be unfair or nonconclusive.  The guidelines of COPE and ICJME are taken into consideration regarding correction, retractions, or expression of concern.


The Group of Turkey Editors' Workshop

Oku Okut Press supports editors in communications with other editors where which is useful to editors. Oku Okut Press supports editors in communications with other editors where which is useful to editors. Our editors are members of the Group of Turkey Editors' Workshop. [3]


Record of all peer-review process records

Oku Okut Press takes its duties of guardianship over the scholarly record extremely seriously. The TSBS Proceedings Journal records all peer-review process records.


 Citation Style

The TSBS Proceedings Journal requires writers to use the ISNAD Citation Style[4]. In the field of science, ISNAD footnote or in-text system, whichever is widely used, can be preferred.

ISNAD Turkish (PDF)

ISNAD English (PDF)

ISNAD Arabic (PDF)

ISNAD Persian (PDF)


Abstract and Keywords

Submitted manuscripts should contain 250-400-word abstracts and 5-8 keywords To facilitate electronic search.


Authorship and Contributorship

After a manuscript is submitted to the Journal, the name of any of the authors cannot be deleted from the list of authors without the written consent of all authors, a new name cannot be added as an author, and the order of authors cannot be changed.


Contribution Rate Statement

In the manuscript, the contribution rate statement of the researchers, support and acknowledgment statements, if any, and conflict of interest statement should be stated. The manuscript template, including the statement table can be downloaded from here.


Publication of research that involve human subjects (i.e., surveys and interviews)

The TSBS Proceedings Journal adopts the "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) in order to create ethical assurance in scientific periodicals. In this context, the following points should be followed in the manuscripts submitted to the journal:

  • For research conducted in all branches of science that requires ethics committee approval (ethics committee approval should be obtained, this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
  • In research that requires ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date, and number) is in the method section, and also on one of the first/last pages of the article; In case of reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article.


Access to the full text

The Tetkik is open access journal. Readers can access to the full text of the journal without requiring registration.


[1] COPE: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.12

[2] https://www.okuokut.org/kurs-kategorisi/yayincilik/

[3] The Turkey Editors' Workshop, https://editorlercalistayi.com

[4] www.isnadsistemi.org